What is Tenant Participation?
Participation or "taking part" can mean different things to different people. It can range from getting information that is well presented and easily understood to becoming a member of the Board involved in the running of the Association.
Our Housing Officers are here to support and encourage tenants to take part, and to ensure that our tenants have all the information they need to get involved. All of our staff and Board are committed to tenant involvement in all areas of our work.
We give you the opportunity to get involved in the management of your home and/or neighbourhood in a number of ways, and at different levels so you can be as involved as much or as little you want to be. The choice is yours.
What you can do:
- Become a share member of the Association for £1.00
- Join our Board
- Form a tenant or resident organisation in your area
- Read our leaflets and newsletter articles, and return the comment cards
- Complete and return our questionnaires or surveys
- Let your Housing Officer know that you would like to be involved and what subjects interest you
- Join our Tenant Involvement Group
- Take part in Scrutiny Projects
- Let us have your comments, suggestions and complaints
If you would like to get involved, please log into My Home and choose what you're interested in, or leave a suggestion. Or, if you would like more information, contact us or use the Live Help feature.
Download the membership leaflet
Download the list of registered tenant organisations