Tenant Organisations

You don't have to be a member of our TIG to get involved - there are many other tenant and residents organisations in East Lothian.

East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel (ELTRP)

ELTRP is an umbrella organisation for tenants and residents groups in the area and can be contacted by e-mail on tenantspanel@hotmail.com

Registered Tenant Organisations (RTOs)

RTOs can consist of social housing tenants, private tenants and owner-occupiers, and usually cover a specific area, for example: Ormiston West Tenants & Residents Association.  You can see if there is an RTO in your area by checking the RTO Register.

RTO Register

Start Your Own Tenant Group

If you and your neighbours want to start up a tenant group, we can help.  We have a small budget to assist tenant groups, and can offer advice, or signpost you to other community projects.

National Tenant Participation Organisations

ELHA is a member of both the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS Scotland) and the Tenant Information Service (TIS).  Both organisations can be contacted independently, and are a good resource for information on tenant participation.

TPAS website

TIS website