Paper Free Campaign

We encourage any tenant who has access to e-mails at least once a week to go paper free.  We estimate that each letter we send costs an average of £1, while sending the same letter as an e-mail costs less than 5p.  That's a 95% saving for every single letter we send paper-free, which is why we offer rent discounts to any tenant who is paper free.

The benefit to tenants is that e-mail is much faster, and clicking on a link to complete a survey in My Home is much easier than receiving a paper form, finding a pen to fill it out, putting it in an envelope and walking to the nearest postbox.

Going paper-free means that all your communication with us will be via your My Home account and e-mail.  This includes regular mailings, like the e-Talk newsletter, and things we need to consult on you with, like the annual rent increase consultation.  Any tenancy management letters will come as attachments to an e-mail, and your e-mail address will be held on a mailing list which we will not sell on. We will not share your e-mail address with any third party, unless they are providing us with a service you receive paper-free, e.g.  Beeline, which circulates our e-Talk newsletter, or a large scale tenant satisfaction survey carried out by an external contractor.

If you have chosen to be paper free, it is important that you do the following:

  • Add us to your 'safe senders'
  • Check your e-mail at least once per week
  • If you change your e-mail address, log into My Home and update your email address (this will also update your log-in)

It's also important not to do some things:

  • Don't unsubscribe from our e-newsletters
  • Don't mark e-mails from us as spam or Junk

If you unsubscribe or if our e-mails to you are rejected as spam, we will have to remove your paper free status, and this will mean you no longer qualify for rent discounts.