Noise Nuisance

If you are disturbed by noise at unsociable hours, or if there is persistent noise, there are things you can do:

  1. Talk to your neighbour – they may not be aware that there is a problem
  2. If the noise is excessive and it’s late at night, call the Night Time Noise Team or the Police
  3. Contact East Lothian Council’s Safe Communities Team helpline
  4. Contact your Housing officer, who can discuss the problem with your neighbour
  5. If speaking with your neighbour hasn’t helped, give the Resolution Service a try
  6. Request a noise monitor. Your Housing Officer can help you to arrange this

Contact Info

East Lothian Council’s Safer Communities Team

Tel: 01875 824 307

Night Time Noise Team

Tel: 101 (Police Scotland)

Daytime Noise Team

Tel: 01620 827365

Police Scotland

Tel: 101

East and Midlothian Resolution Service

Tel: 01620 827753
