Customer Service Timescales

Customer Service Timescales

Written Communication Target Response Time (all within)

Time taken to reply to your letter (including those sent through My Home)

If we cannot reply to your letter in 5 days, we will let you know we've received it and respond in full

Reply to your Facebook comment

5 working days

(10 working days if we have contacted you to let you know we cannot respond in 5 working days)

1 working day

Statutory requests

(for example, and application for an exchange, to add a joint tenant, sublet, etc) 


Full response



2 working days

20 working days

Full Tenant Consultations

Respond to individual comments

Feedback to all tenants on outcome


20 working days

3 months


Stage 1

Stage 2


5 working days

2 working days (acknowledgement)
20 working days (full response)

Appeals Against Decisions 

1st Appeal

2nd Appeal


2 working days (acknowledgement)
10 working days (full response)

2 working days (acknowledgement)
20 working days (full response)

Neighbour Complaints - initial response to complaint

Category A - very serious, e.g. violence involved

Category B - serious or persistent issues

Category C - routine


3 working days

5 working days

10 working days (acknowledgement within 2 working days)


Routine Repairs

Urgent Repairs

Emergency Repairs


10 working days

3 working days

2 hours

Phone Calls 

Answer the telephone

Respond to voicemail


6 rings

1 working day

Office Meetings 

By appointment

Appointment required


We will see you on time

You will get an appointment within 1 week