Customer Service Expectations

Our Staff will:

  • Always tell you who you are speaking to and, out of the office, show you identification
  • Be friendly, polite and professional at all times
  • Treat you fairly and with respect
  • Be fully trained to do their jobs
  • Always maintain confidentiality
  • Arrange appointment times to suit you wherever possible and not keep you waiting
  • Listen to you and respond to your needs as quickly and efficiently as possible
  • Do what they say they will and keep you informed
  • Give you clear and accurate explanations about any decisions we have made
  • Tell you if we cannot help and try to direct you to someone who can
  • Do their best to meet our Customer Care targets
  • Provide a range of ways for you to access our services, including digital services

What We Expect of You:

We need your help to provide an excellent service and we think that it’s reasonable to ask you to:

  • Use your My Home account for day to day enquiries and services if you can
  • Go paper free if you can – it saves time and money
  • Be polite and courteous to our staff and treat them with respect
  • Never shout at, abuse or threaten our staff
  • Be prepared and have any documents or information you may need close at hand
  • Make an appointment before visiting the office if you wish to speak with a specific member of staff
  • Let us know if you can’t keep an appointment
  • Give us the information we ask for so that we can help you
  • Comply with all reasonable requests made by our staff
  • Appreciate that there will be times when we are unable to help you
  • Let us know when we get it wrong and help us to put things right to your satisfaction

What to Do if We Don't Meet Your Expectations:

If you are not satisfied with the service you have received from us, you can:

  • Make a formal or informal complaint via My Home, our Live Help service or by telephone, letter, e-mail or in person
  • If you have made a formal complaint and have gone through our Complaints Procedure, and still feel your complaint has not been resolved, you can contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. For more information see our Complaints leaflet.

Complaints Handling Procedure