

In most developments, parking is on a first come first served basis, and unless you have a driveway or an assigned parking space, you are not guaranteed a place to park your car. We will not normally get involved in disputes over parking.

In most of our developments car parking areas are either on the public roadway, or on land adopted by East Lothian Council. If inconsiderate parking causes an obstruction, e.g. you are unable to drive out of your driveway because someone has parked across the end of your driveway, this is a Police matter.

Untaxed and/or Abandoned Vehicles

You can check with the DVLA if a suspected abandoned car is taxed or registered as SORN (off road). If it is not taxed or registered as SORN, it should be reported to the DVLA (if it is on the public road) or East Lothian Council (if it is in a car park or parking bay).

Contact Info

Police Scotland

Tel: 101


Report an Untaxed Vehicle

Enforcement Section, W070/D12, DVLA, Longview Road, Swansea SA7 0XZ

East Lothian Council Environmental and Consumer Services

Telephone: 01620 827365


East Lothian Council
