We will usually contact the successful applicant on the closing date for applications, unless we had a large number of homes closing on that day, e.g. when we have a new build development.
Once the closing date has been reached, we will look at everyone who applied for each home, and will normally allocate the property as follows:
- Who would make 'best use' of the property – for example, by using disabled adaptations, or by using all of the bedrooms. If there is more than one applicant who would make 'best use', we will offer it to the person with the highest level Priority Pass.
- If there is more than one person with the highest level of Priority Pass, the property will be offered to the person who has had the Priority Pass the longest.
- If there are no Priority Passes being used, then the property will normally be offered to the person who registered with us first.
Rented housing is in short supply in East Lothian and there will always be more applicants than there are properties available. Because of this, we ask that you do not phone the office to find out if your application has been successful. Our staff simply could not cope with the number of calls we might get. If you have your These Homes account set to send you e-mail notifications, you will get an automated e-mail telling you that you are unsuccessful as soon as we offer the property to someone else. If you are successful we will contact you, normally within two working days. If you do not hear from us within two days of the closing date, and you do not have e-mail notifications enabled, then you can assume that you have not been successful.