The Scottish Child Payment

29 May 2024


The Scottish Child Payment is for parents or carers on low incomes who have a child under 16. 

Who can get the Payment?

To get the payment you must normally live in Scotland, be getting a qualifying benefit and be responsible for a child under 16.

Getting a qualifying benefit

The qualifying benefits are Universal Credit, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit, Income Support, Pension Credit, Jobseekers Allowance (income based) and Employment and Support Allowance (income related).

Responsible for a child

You are responsible for a child if you or your partner get child benefit for the child, or the child is included in you or your partner’s Universal Credit, Child Tax Credit or Pension Credit award or you or your partner are a kinship carer for the child.

How much is the Scottish Child Payment?

The Scottish Child Payment is £26.70 a week for each eligible child and is paid every four weeks into your bank account. 

Claiming Scottish Child Payment

To make a claim you can phone Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222, claim online at or download a paper application form from

More information on the Scottish Child Payment can be found at:

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