Scottish Fuel Support Fund

Our Money & Home Energy Adviser, Anne, has been successfully applying for funding for tenants through the HACT Scottish Fuel Support Fund for some time, and they’ve just announced that further funds are available until mid June, depending on how quickly the funding pot is spent

29 May 2023

Anne 4

We can apply for vouchers up to a maximum of £500 for anyone who is struggling to pay their fuel costs – you don’t need to have a debt on your meter, or be in receipt of benefits, or have any specific income threshold, but you will need to speak with us and provide some basic details about your costs and income.  We can receive cash vouchers for tenants who pay monthly or quarterly bills, and email or text vouchers for people with pre-payment meters. 

Additionally, if you have fuel debt we can apply to have a payment made directly to your supplier to cover the outstanding debt.  To do this, we would need a copy of your up to date fuel bill showing the debt. We can visit to collect this or you can email us a copy - unfortunately a screenshot isn’t enough.

Whilst there is a big fund just now, it’s first come first served, demand will be very high, and we’re keen to help as many people as possible.  Please be assured we will treat any discussion with you in the strictest of confidence.

Normally we would ask you to contact Anne through the self-referral form in My Home, but due to the short window of time this funding is available, we’re asking tenants to e-mail marked ‘Scottish Fuel Support Fund’ or to call us during office hours on 01620 825032 and follow the phone prompts for ‘other Housing enquiry’.