Ending Your Tenancy

29 May 2024

Sprites In Winter Car

There are several ways in which a tenancy can end, the most common being when a tenant requests to do this. 

If you are thinking about ending your tenancy with us, there are a few things you need to know:

  • You must give us 28 days notice in writing
  • We need to visit your home to carry out a full inspection of the property before you move out and will aim to visit you within a week of receiving your termination
  • If you don’t allow us to carry out an inspection, you risk losing your Rent Discount if you are a Gold or Platinum Key tenant, and it is more likely that you will charged for works needed on moving out
  • If, at the inspection we find repairs are needed which are our responsibility, we will want to do these before you move out and will agree a suitable date with you
  • If we find repairs that you are responsible for, we will tell you what you need to do and will arrange a further date with you to return and check the work  before you move out 
  • If we are not given the opportunity to carry out a final check and find that work has not been done or it is of poor quality, we will carry out the work on your behalf and will charge you the costs
  • If you have altered your home without permission, you need to seek permission straight away  - we are finding an increasing number of tenants are making changes without getting our written permission first, for example, garden improvements (decking, astroturf and sheds), painting kitchen cupboards, altering the electrics to place large TV screens up on walls, and laying floor tiles
  • Depending on the work that you have carried out, you may be asked to return the property to its original condition before your tenancy ends and if you don’t do this, or if you do not have permission for the alteration, we will restore the property to its original condition and charge you for the work which can be very expensive
  • We will ask you to clear any rent arrears or any other tenancy debt that you owe us before you leave
  • You can receive an End of Tenancy Reward of £150.00 if you return the keys on time, leave the home in good condition with no chargeable repairs and leave no tenancy debt
  • You can find a list of the most common chargeable repairs that we carry out along with costs on elha.com