IoT Temperature & Humidity Sensors

What are these sensors for?
Mould tends to develop in houses where the air is moist for a long time. The wetter the air, the more energy it takes to make the house warm. Also, if your house is colder, there is more risk that the moisture in the air will meet a cold surfaces and form condensation, which often leads to mould.
The IoT Sensor detects temperature and humidity in your home. The device will tell you and ELHA about how warm the house is, how humid the air is and if there is a risk of condensation. You can see your data your My Home account – just click on the My Sensors box for more information.
How do they work?
The sensor sniffs the air to monitor temperature and humidity and will alert you and elha to any concerning humidity and temperature levels. The sensors on the boiler pipes will let us know how well your boiler is performing.
We will fit a sensor in your hallway and one beside the boiler as well as attach sensors to the pipes coming out of your boiler. The sensor beside your boiler will need to be plugged in at all times however the sensor in the hallway and on the pipes are battery operated.
The sensors only monitors temperature and humidity and there are no cameras or microphones.
Top tips to reduce mould risk
Reduce the humidity in your home by:
- Opening windows to ventilate
- Opening trickle vents on windows
- Shut doors in the bathroom after a shower and open windows/use the extractor fan
- Avoiding drying clothes on radiators
- Put lids on pans while cooking
Allow for air circulation:
- Where possible, move furniture away from walls to allow air to flow
- Open windows on opposite sides of the house to create a draught while ventilating
Ensure adequate heating in your home:
The average temperature should be between 18 and 21°C. If the temperature is too low, humid air will condense on cold surfaces.
Help or assistance
For any help or assistance relating to your installed devices please contact our Asset Management Team:
Or by calling us on 01620 825032 and choosing option 1, then option 2 then option 3.